About me

Hi, I am Yunfan Shi, a MSc Robotics and Computation at UCL. I am currently on Oxford EWADA LLM project. My BSc Computer Science FYP supervisor is Professor Xiaowei Huang I have worked as a research assistant at the University of Liverpool for Dr Hyung-Joon Seo since 2021 autumn. Prior to it, I worked as a research assitant for Dr Xiaohui Zhu in Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

Research Interests

AI Safety and Adversarial Robustness, Explainable AI, LLM Privacy, Difficult Object detection, Complex Signal Classification, AI Business Intelligence, Monodepth


[Jan. 2024] Our paper: Automatic damage detection of pavement through DarkNet analysis of digital, infrared, and multi-spectral dynamic imaging images is published in MDPI Sensors!
[Mar. 2023] Our paper: Realtime Mask Detection of Kitchen Staff Using YOLOv5 and Edge Computing is published in ICCCR 2023 Conference Proceedings!
[Dec. 2022] Our paper: Deep Learning Based Infrared Thermal Image Analysis of Complex Pavement Defect Conditions Considering Seasonal Effect is published in MDPI Sensors!


[Jan. 2024] Automatic damage detection of pavement through DarkNet analysis of digital, infrared, and multi-spectral dynamic imaging images
[Mar. 2023] Realtime Mask Detection of Kitchen Staff Using YOLOv5 and Edge Computing
[Dec. 2022] Deep Learning Based Infrared Thermal Image Analysis of Complex Pavement Defect Conditions Considering Seasonal Effect


XAI based self-supervised attention mask enhanced PGD